Category Archives: Uncategorized

Weekly Update 5/20/2022: Asian American & Pacific Islander History

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have made their homes in North America since the late 1500s. These groups have played major roles in every piece of American history, yet they have been regularly discriminated against and left out of the history books. Let’s learn more about the contributions and experiences of these Americans, as […]

Weekly Update 4/14/2022: Celebrate Arab American Heritage

This week we continue to learn about and celebrate Arab American Heritage. A great place to start is the Arab American National Museum and its virtual exhibits: Listen to Arab Instruments and make your own drum Follow the waves of Arab American immigration to the United States Learn about Arab American religions, entrepreneurship, food, and […]

Weekly Update 4/1/2022: Transgender Day of Visibility March 31st

Thursday, March 31st was International Transgender Day of Visibility. This day is for celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people, while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve transgender justice. Celebrate Transgender and Nonbinary Voices   Transgender and gender non-conforming people have long been kept out of the […]

Weekly Update 3/18/2022: More Women’s History & Equal Pay Day

Opportunities to learn about Women’s History are everywhere! Our SVCMS students have been reading books, learning about remarkable women with Person of the Day cards, seeing pictures of important women in history in the Assembly, and using tools like Feminist Flashcards.  LOCAL WOMEN’S HISTORY Outside of school, there are so many opportunities to learn more […]

Weekly Update 3/11/2022: Women’s Suffrage and Its Relevance Today

As we continue to celebrate Women’s History, we look at the history of Women’s rights here in the United States, as well as the ongoing struggle for equality that women continue to face. Since the formal creation of the United States in 1776, women and BIPOC citizens have had civil rights like the right to […]

Weekly Update 3/4/2022: Women’s History Month

This March we are celebrating Women’s History Month. During this month, we highlight remarkable women, past and present, including activists, inventors, artists, writers, and musicians. Many of these women achieved major accomplishments despite barriers created by sexism and systematic gender inequality. Women continue to earn less money than their male counterparts, experience a gender bias […]

Weekly Update 2/25/2022: Take Action for Anti-Racism

This week in history has seen renewed attacks on LGBTQIA+ families, representative and inclusive education, and the start of a war. So many horrific injustices at once cause many to freeze and feel helpless. Let us take a moment to acknowledge these feelings and then consider how we can move forward from a place of […]

Weekly Update 1/14/2022: Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 17th we celebrate the birth and life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King worked tirelessly for equal rights and humane treatment for all. His principles of nonviolent resistance and demand for justice continue to resonate with many today. Many families observe MLK Day by talking about Dr. King and other […]

Weekly Update 12/3/2021: Check Out Local Native American Artists

We’re fortunate to have access to an incredible range of Native American artists and craftspeople right here in Colorado. One easy way to learn about and support local artists is to diversify your social media feed. Three local artists creating right here in Boulder County include JayCee Beyale, Anna Tsouhlarakis, and Melanie Yazzie. Opening today, […]